Feb 24, 2015

Stock purchase - JNJ (10 shares, $28 dividend income)

Added 10 shares of JNJ (Johnson & Johnson) on recent price pullback. Just looking their stock price chart these past few years, you can see why it's probably a safe and long term dividend investment.

Their business is easy to understand. I use their products like millions around the world. For a proven company like this, I do not over-analyze using fundamental or technical analysis.

Basic info:
Market CAP: 280B  Dividend %: 2.70  (member of S&P 500 dividend aristocrat)

This will add $28 of dividend income per year to my portfolio.
Check out the rest of my dividend and growth stock portfolio watchlist

Feb 17, 2015

Organic Milk and Prostate Cancer

Researchers have expressed concern that since cow’s milk contains estrogens, dairy could stimulate the growth of hormone-sensitive tumors. The thought is that the consumption of dairy products could both “promote the conversion of precancerous lesions or mutated cells to invasive cancer and enhance the progression of hormone-dependent tumors.” Read more...(nutritionfacts,org)

Feb 10, 2015

Millions of Facebook users have no idea they’re using the internet

I have been to Indonesia many times and it does seem like everyone there is on FB 24/7.
No wonder Mark Zuckerberg visited Borobudur recently (to give thanks !? :)

Feb 4, 2015

Let's Be Serious, Falling Oil Prices Are Not Causing the Oil Bust

According to this article (realclearmarkets.com), the true price of oil has always been low for many decades and it has little to do with demand or supply. The volatile oil prices is mainly due to the unstable US dollar influenced by the fed.