May 30, 2019

The No. 1 most morally acceptable hot-button issue in America (

The issue comes ahead of divorce, abortion, marital infidelity, wearing fur and drinking alcohol, according to a Gallup poll.

Contraception isn’t a hard pill for most to swallow.

Birth control remains the most morally acceptable issue for Americans, according to a May Gallup poll measuring attitudes on 21 hot-button issues. Ninety-two percent of respondents consider it to be morally acceptable, compared to just 6% who believe it’s morally wrong.


Church & Dwight Co., Inc. (NYSE:CHD) 😇

May 23, 2019

Stock Buy - Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce (CIBC)

I added this high yielding Canadian bank (NYSE:CM) after a weak earnings quarter.

The loan business is slowing down (not good) but I 'm willing to collect that fat ~5+% dividend 💰 to offset growth for now. Eventually their loan business may or may not come around. I'll wait and see. 🙏

5.11%$4.0849.23%2.10%3 Years
Disclaimer: All information is provided as-is and is for informational purposes only.The stocks mentioned in this blog are not considered to be past, present or future recommendations to buy or sell them. Ideas presented are just my personal opinions and are NOT be considered as investment recommendations or advice. All investors should consult a qualified professional before trading any stock.

May 14, 2019

Stock Buy- added more WRK

Westrock (NYSE:WRK) is a packaging company. I first added Westrock last month and this latest market pullback is a nice opportunity to get more of this ~5% dividend payer. This sector has been under pressure a while now but I think it will recover once US trade war with China eases.

5.04%$1.8248.59%-4 Years

Disclaimer: All information is provided as-is and is for informational purposes only.The stocks mentioned in this blog are not considered to be past, present or future recommendations to buy or sell them. Ideas presented are just my personal opinions and are NOT be considered as investment recommendations or advice. All investors should consult a qualified professional before trading any stock.