Oct 7, 2016

BTFD - added more CLDT (50 shares, $66 dividend income)

Yes, I'm Buying-TFD ! :)

Chatham Lodging Trust (NYSE: CLDT) is a real estate investment trust that owns a bunch of upscale hotels. I first added shares of this REIT in May and this week I added more on weakness.

With div yield approaching 7%, it's irresistable for income investors like myself. And any decent growth that comes along with it will be a nice bonus. Yeah, keep on paying those dividends !

Basic info:
Market CAP: 733M   EPS:$0.88  Dividend: $1.32 (6.89%)

Oct 5, 2016

Stock Purchase - EXR (15 shares, $46 dividend income)

Extra Space Storage (NYSE: EXR) Inc. is a REIT providing self-storage units nationwide with over 1,370 facilities across 38 states. If you need a space to store your stuff (good junk or not), this company will help you with over 1,400 stores, comprising approximately 910,000 units and 103 million square feet of rentable space.

The current taper tantrum talk from Europe together with market volatility has the whole REIT down so I took this opportunity to add this fast growing income stock to my list of dividend earners.

This purchase will add $46 dividend income to my dividend stock portfolio

Basic info:
Market CAP: 9.4B   EPS:$1.96  Dividend: $3.12 (4.02%)