Jan 20, 2020

Stock Buy - High Yielding (Invesco)

Invesco Ltd.(NYSE:IVZ) is an investment management company that is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, United States, and has branch offices in 20 countries. (src: wiki)

The company's dividend is now approaching 7% because of recent price drops. Earnings and growth forecasts are weak and volatile in this current environment of passive investing. However I believe their business will stabilize. If they can continue to return half-decent value to shareholders in the form of stable income, I'll stick to it.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ‘Œ

6.79%$1.2448.07%4.76%11 Years

DisclaimerAll information is provided as-is and is for informational purposes only.The stocks mentioned in this blog are not considered to be past, present or future recommendations to buy or sell them. Ideas presented are just my personal opinions and are NOT be considered as investment recommendations or advice. All investors should consult a qualified professional before trading any stock.

Jan 17, 2020

All of the World’s Wealth in One Visualization

Hmm, where to invest ? USA seems obvious but Asia & China are growing fastest. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜‡
Russia looks poor in this chart considering they are one of the "superpowers".

Jan 16, 2020

Stock Buy - Added more (Pennant Park Floating Rate Capital)

DisclaimerAll information is provided as-is and is for informational purposes only.The stocks mentioned in this blog are not considered to be past, present or future recommendations to buy or sell them. Ideas presented are just my personal opinions and are NOT be considered as investment recommendations or advice. All investors should consult a qualified professional before trading any stock.

Jan 9, 2020

Stock Trade - Uber

I caught this falling knife and I'm currently in the toilet. Wish me luck ! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ’ฉ
DisclaimerAll information is provided as-is and is for informational purposes only.The stocks mentioned in this blog are not considered to be past, present or future recommendations to buy or sell them. Ideas presented are just my personal opinions and are NOT be considered as investment recommendations or advice. All investors should consult a qualified professional before trading any stock.