Nov 30, 2020

“You only find out who is swimming naked when the tide goes out. “ Warren Buffett


I've been swimming partially naked ! 😂 

It's time to sell off all poor-performers like REITs and big energy companies.

Disclaimer: All information is provided AS-IS and is for informational purposes only. The stocks mentioned in this blog are NOT considered to be past, present or future recommendations to buy or sell them. Ideas presented are just my personal opinions and are NOT to be considered as investment recommendations or advice. All investors SHOULD educate themselves and/or consult a qualified professional before trading any stock.

Nov 27, 2020

Diversifying Portfolio OR More $TSLA (fwd)

Disclaimer: All information is provided AS-IS and is for informational purposes only. The stocks mentioned in this blog are NOT considered to be past, present or future recommendations to buy or sell them. Ideas presented are just my personal opinions and are NOT to be considered as investment recommendations or advice. All investors SHOULD educate themselves and/or consult a qualified professional before trading any stock.

Nov 23, 2020

Stock Add / Buy - Square & Paypal (Fintech, Cryptocurrency / Bitcoin)

The future of money is going digital faster with this pandemic. 
I'm betting on Square & Paypal to take us there faster.
This is also an indirect bet on Bitcoin.🙏💹🎲🎰 

Disclaimer: All information is provided as-is and is for informational purposes only.The stocks mentioned in this blog are not considered to be past, present or future recommendations to buy or sell them. Ideas presented are just my personal opinions and are NOT be considered as investment recommendations or advice. All investors should consult a qualified professional before trading any stock.

Nov 19, 2020

BTFD (last 10 years from 2010-2020)

It seems like these were good times to buy the dips and hold on....😇 
The question now - will the next 10 years be similar ??🙏

Disclaimer: All information is provided as-is and is for informational purposes only.The stocks mentioned in this blog are not considered to be past, present or future recommendations to buy or sell them. Ideas presented are just my personal opinions and are NOT be considered as investment recommendations or advice. All investors should consult a qualified professional before trading any stock.

Nov 17, 2020

Eat Out Lunch - Pho Saigon, Delta


My review on Google Map...<tip: don't order the fried banana !> 😂

Costco Wholesale Corporation Declares Special Cash Dividend of $10 Per Share

This company is performing well in this pandemic and I hope to add more if it pulls back in this unpredictable volatile market.

My favourite soft serve from costco food court ~$2 (best deal in town imo) 👍😋

Disclaimer: All information is provided as-is and is for informational purposes only.The stocks mentioned in this blog are not considered to be past, present or future recommendations to buy or sell them. Ideas presented are just my personal opinions and are NOT be considered as investment recommendations or advice. All investors should consult a qualified professional before trading any stock.

Nov 12, 2020

There's NIO and there's not-NIO (fwd: reddit)

This recent NIO buy is working out great in the hot EV sector of Chinese market !💪😇🙏

Disclaimer: All information is provided as-is and is for informational purposes only.The stocks mentioned in this blog are not considered to be past, present or future recommendations to buy or sell them. Ideas presented are just my personal opinions and are NOT be considered as investment recommendations or advice. All investors should consult a qualified professional before trading any stock.