Nov 22, 2017

Stock Buy - VTR (20 shares, $60 dividend income)

Ventas, Inc. (NYSE: VTR) is a real estate investment trust (REIT) with its properties mainly in the senior healthcare industry located throughout the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom.
As our life expectancy increases, the demand from the senior healthcare industry will follow accordingly and I believe Ventas is well positioned to thrive long term.

This purchase will add $60 annual dividend income to my dividend stock portfolio

Basic info:
Market CAP: 22B   EPS: $1.968   Dividend: $3.10 (4.8%)

Nov 17, 2017

Nov 16, 2017

Stock Buy - UBSI (35 shares, $46 dividend income)

United Bankshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:UBSI) provides commercial and retail banking services and is the parent company of its two banking franchises: United Bank, with locations in Washington, D.C., Virginia, and Montgomery County, Maryland: and United Bank, Inc., with locations in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Hagerstown, MD. (src: company profile)

UBSI is a strong bank with a 44-year history of raising dividends. This sector will benefit from eventual rising interest rates. In the meantime I will wait and patiently collect their 3.8% yielding dividend :))

This purchase will add $46 annual dividend income to my dividend stock portfolio

Basic info:
Market CAP: 3.6B   EPS: $1.90    Dividend: $1.32 (3.87%)

Nov 9, 2017

Stock Buy - DDR (100 shares, $76 dividend income)

DDR Corp. (NYSE:DDRis a REIT that owns and manages 286 retail properties, representing 97 million square feet in the continental United States, Southeast and Midwest, with significant concentrations in Florida, Georgia, Ohio and North Carolina, as well as Puerto Rico.
With online shopping (aka Amazon) killing off brick & mortar stores everywhere, the REIT space for shopping centers in a world of pain right now.  Recent natural disasters did not help their situation in the south especially devastated Puerto Rico with 12 properties there. I'm betting DDR can recover and hopefully thrive again in these markets. This is definitely a risky bet ! <crossing my fingers:)>

This purchase will add $76 annual dividend income to my dividend stock portfolio

Basic info:
Market CAP: 2.9B   EPS: -$0.43 Dividend: $0.76(9.5%)